Monday, October 10, 2011

Proverbs 31 Woman (in Training)

I lose God every day. Don't get me wrong; I know He is always there. I have no doubt about His presence, and I know that He is waiting for me to acknowledge Him, just waiting on me to turn to Him so that He can fill me up and love me immensely. Despite knowing this, I get entangled in my thoughts, my tasks, my schedule, my life, and I forget to include Him. I don't talk to Him, I rarely think about Him, I live as if there were no God at all, no amazing Creator who was wanting to be a part of my day. He made me, He sacrificed Himself for me, He wants a relationship with me: how can I live every day as if that means nothing to me?

I don't want God to be an afterthought. I want praise and thanksgiving to flow from my lips every morning, I want to repent every time I look in the mirror, I want to spend the last minutes of every day asking for my needs and the needs of others to be fulfilled, and I want to spend every second in between listening to what He wants to share with me. I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman who is to be praised for her fear of the Lord, not the woman who can barely remember what Proverbs 31 says. I want to be able to live my life in such a way where I fulfill my purpose and don't lose God in the process.

Tomorrow is a new day and with it comes a challenge: as much as I am craving balance tonight, will my passion manifest itself in the form of real, actionable change come morning? I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman, and so that is where I must start. More to come as my journey progresses.

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